I’ve been bad about keeping up with posts to the blog, for which I have no other excuse than that I was tired. The last post was written somewhere in Europe when we were in the final weeks of the second leg of the RTW tour. I love Italy, but we almost coasted through the touring there. There were days when we would only go out for 2-3 hours and then go back to our hotel/bnb/hostel and just lay around. Luckily, I had arranged for some tours before we visited, otherwise, we might have just eaten more gelato and called it a day.
After leaving Europe in mid-April, we headed back to California for a week plus of hanging out with friends, doing some shopping, updating the meds and packing for Oceania & Asia.
This leg of the tour was hashed out when we were back in Africa and the boys took a more active role in the planning of where to go. They wanted more cities, less country, or at least continuous wifi.
We started our Asian leg with a “vacation from the vacation” as they called it – Fiji.
I loved Fiji and so did the boys. It wasn’t too hot or humid, and the water was warm, even if it was cloudy out. There was snorkeling in a great reef right off the island, and lots of snorkeling on other reefs nearby. There were plenty of water sports to try – kayaking, sailing, stand up paddle boarding, jet skis, water skis, parasailing… you name it. If you got money- you can do it! You can hire boats, helicopters, or sea planes to take you anywhere you want to go. Although we did only a few of these things (mostly free things included in our resort stay) it was cool to know you had other options.

Stuff set out for all the free water sports.
The people we met at the resort (and in transit to our resort) were exceptionally nice and welcoming. They wanted to make sure we were going to have a good time. We felt safe and among friends. I loved that we were coddled in all the comforts of home, but we were on an island an hour from the mainland that produced their own drinking water through a desalinization plant. I would love to visit other islands and be more immersed in the culture.