The Republic of Kugelmugel was a micronation/house originally built in Katzelsdorf, Austria. The nation was established by artist Edwin Lipburger after he had disagreements with the Austrian government over building rights and permissions to build a spherically-shaped house. So what do you do in that situation? Take it to the logical extreme and create your own country, obviously!
The micronation was called Kugelmugel is because in German (the official language) kugel means sphere or ball and mugel means bump.
The Republic was created in 1976 and considered itself independent from the Austrian government. The nation was a perfect sphere with a total of 0.00003 km squared claimed and it had 650 non-resident citizens. Edwin didn’t pay taxes during his “reign” and printed his own stamps both of which the Austrian government did not like.

The official flag of Kugelmugel

The official stamps of Kugelmugel
When his tax evasion was discovered, he was sent to prison for ten weeks but was eventually pardoned by the Austrian president. The house was later moved to Prater, an amusement park in Vienna, where it is on display today behind a fence. Mr. Lipburger lives in exile in Austria.

Kugelmugel visible from the ferris wheel in Prater Park, Vienna.